
This is my Maths game that Eloise (my friend from school)  and I made at school in maths, here is Leila 
(my neighbor) Kate (my sister) Playing it!! 
It is called - Pokadot

Here are the rules for Pokadot:

  • 2-4 players or teams of 2-4
  • roll the dice 2 times then multiply the numbers by each other
  • who ever calls out the answer first they get to move their position one place
  • anyone can call out the answer whenever they have the answer
  • if you call the answer out at the same time you roll again
  • you can go on any colored square it doesn't matter if you go on another colored square
  • you can only move counter 2 when you have moved both of your counter 1
  • if you land on someone else they have to go back to their own base (colored dots)
  • try to invade other players bases by getting your counters into their base (big dots)

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